
Strength training often conjures images of huge men and women lifting mammoth weights in a haze of sweat, chalk, and iron, all while listening to Black Sabbath. While this might sound epic to some (like me), it’s not the inviting picture everyone imagines. These environments can seem unsafe, with equipment strewn everywhere and intimidating people. At Hobart Strength Training, we want you to become Stronger For Life. This means engaging in sufficient physical activity, including strength training. However, many people worry about getting hurt, aggravating old injuries, or believe they are too weak for strength training. Today, we’ll discuss three reasons why strength training is safe for you: it is progressive, individually dosed, and feedback driven.



You might have heard the old Chinese proverb from Tao Te Ching: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This wisdom holds as true today as when it was first spoken. Similarly, the famous story of Milo, a renowned Greek athlete and wrestler from the 6th century BC, illustrates the principle of progressive overload. Milo famously carried a young cow on his back every day until it grew to maturity. As the cow grew, he got stronger. Known as “the father of progressive overload,” Milo’s story highlights the importance of gradually increasing challenges to make positive changes. A stimulus that works today may not be enough tomorrow. The stimulus must match your current capabilities, which might mean increasing weight or reps in future sessions. While it can get more complicated, this is a solid foundation. Without challenge, there’s no change. If you’re new to the gym, our expert coaches at Hobart Strength Training will help you find the correct and safe entry point for your abilities.


Individually Dosed

Continuing from our first point, training should be individually dosed. Physical activity and resistance training guidelines do provide blanket recommendations for how much training one should pursue¹, ², ³. We call this “the dose.” A useful heuristic is to start small and gradually increase the training dose. For example, in your first week, familiarize yourself with basic movements like the Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, and Lat Pulldown. Initially, your training may involve 2-3 sets per movement, a couple of times per week⁴. Human responses to exercise vary widely, with some needing less work for results and others requiring more volume. Our coaches at Hobart Strength Training will determine the best approach for you. If you’d like to read a helpful companion article that covers some of these points, we’ve linked it here.


Strength training

Feedback Driven

Your feedback is critical for success. We use the “Rating of Perceived Exertion” (RPE) to gauge if your workout is appropriate. This is a form of individualization called “Autoregulation,” which adjusts variables based on your performance, readiness, or recovery status⁵. RPE, rated between 1-10 after a set, helps us tailor your training. Most sets should fall between RPE 7-9, where you could do 1-3 more reps before reaching muscular failure. RPE is a reliable tool that substitutes complex lab tests, analysing how your body responds in the moment. It helps us find the “goldilocks” zone—training that’s just right for your progress. With our coaches taking notes after every session, we constantly monitor for your success.


Get your best results with us

In conclusion, strength training at Hobart Strength Training offers a unique path to becoming Stronger For Life. By embracing progressive overload, individualized dosing, and feedback-driven workouts, you can build strength and resilience at your pace. Remember, your fitness journey is unique, and our expert coaches are here to support you every step of the way. So, take that next step and contact us here to experience the transformative power of strength training.



  1. Exercise dosing to retain resistance training adaptations in young and older adults ↩︎
  2. World Health Organisation Physical Activity Guidelines ↩︎
  3. ACSM Guidelines for Strength Training | Featured Download
  4. AUSactive-Exercise-Guidelines-Resistance-Exercise-Prescriptions-for-Healthy-Adults.pdf
  5. Methods for Regulating and Monitoring Resistance Training – PubMed (nih.gov)