Do You Need Supplements to Improve Your Health?

Do You Need Supplements to Improve Your Health?

In the quest to improve health, people can pull obvious levers like diet, exercise, and sleep. Individuals may also choose to use dietary supplements. In a 2017 ABC article, James Bullin wrote about supplements: “more than 60 per cent of all Australians use some type...
Stronger Today, Thriving Tomorrow

Stronger Today, Thriving Tomorrow

With the New Year well and truly underway, for many it’s an appropriate time to reflect on what matters to you most. This varies from person to person, but it often centres around rich social connections, good health, and doing the things you love. Participating...
Three Reasons to Get Strong This Holiday

Three Reasons to Get Strong This Holiday

Getting strong is a lifelong pursuit. It starts with regular progressive resistance training, also known as Strength Training. Adding consistent physical activity and health-promoting dietary patterns builds a solid framework for longevity. At Hobart Strength...
How can diet contribute to healthy living?

How can diet contribute to healthy living?

We’ve all heard the saying: “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But what does that really mean? There’s an intuitive link between diet and health. Research shows that a healthy diet prevents chronic diseases, promotes mental well-being, and supports healthy...
You’re Never Too Old to Get Strong

You’re Never Too Old to Get Strong

We’ve all heard the debilitating platitudes like, “you’ll need to take it easier as you get old,” or “it’s all downhill after you turn 30.” How true are they when it comes to getting stronger? Is it really all-for-nothing as you age? It’s recommended that everyone...
Lose weight, not your sanity

Lose weight, not your sanity

Australia is suffering from an overweight and obesity crisis. In 2022, 67.9% of the population had measured waist circumference that put them at an increased risk of disease. Moreover, 65.8% of adults were classified overweight or obese via Body Mass Index (BMI)¹....